Monday, October 6, 2014

So what is a "Mission", anyway??

Working with the Elders
I realized that I never really told any of you what was really happening. Some of you are like, "Oh, she went on a mission." Others are probably like, "A what?" Haha.

No worries.

I'm feeling a little sentimental today so I thought I'd share some memories, photos, and explain a little more where I've been the past year and a half.

As I mentioned, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We are widely known as "Mormons". Heard of us? You probably have... and probably heard a lot of weird or scary things, haha. But I can assure you that it's not as weird as you are thinking. It's probably just one of those misconceptions I got to help people understand on my mission. We were often confused with Jehova's Witnesses, or as polygamists... etc. If you have any questions, really... just email me, and I'll let you know the real scoop, haha.

ANYWAY... I chose to serve a mission. That is, I chose to be sent to somewhere in the world, according to God's will, in order to teach people about Jesus Christ from the scriptures, offer community service, and strengthen the congregations and people in the area. That is a mission. Isn't that the best job in the world??! We woke up each day at 6:30 and went to bed at 10:30. It was hard work.

My desk area in Connecticut
I was assigned to the Massachusetts Boston Mission, where I served for 5 months in Revere, MA, then a few months in Lynn, MA, then a few in Bridgeport, CT, and back to Cambridge, MA to finish up. Every six weeks, there was a chance that I or my work partner (we always go in two's) would be moved somewhere else. I only got moved four times, luckily. I enjoyed being able to stay longer and make stronger friendships.

I played the piano often in church, worked a lot with the children's class (called Primary) and gave talks. In the LDS church, members of the congregation are asked by congregation leaders beforehand to prepare a talk on a topic like charity, faith, service, etc, and that is who preaches each Sunday. I happened to be asked fairly regularly, haha.

I served the Hispanic population and congregations, so I learned Spanish while there, and a bit of Portuguese. I really enjoyed that. And the food. Not going to lie!!

I also had the opportunity of reaching out to people on the internet. I wrote and edited articles for - a sight that offers real people's stories as answers to some of life's greatest questions.
At an Elder's birthday party

It was a delightful time, because as I fulfilled my purpose (to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the Restored Gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end), I was filled with God's love and was able to see the amazing change God can make in people when they let Him.

Anyway, being home now is a LOT different, but I am still enjoying the benefits of my mission, especially in terms of my relationship with God.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask; I'll do my best to answer them.

But, now you know what I've been up to for so long, and why I didn't have much time to paint!! 

Here with the Primary
MEXICAN FOOD!!! Oh yeah!!
Venezuelan Food :) Also delish!
FREEZING TO DEATH but smiling, haha
At the Boston Temple with a member

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Me di cuenta que no realmente explique a nadie lo que estaba haciendo cuando anuncie que me iba a 'la mision'. Algunos de uds probablmente estaban pensando, “Oh, si... se fue a la mision”, y otros, “Que es eso?”, jaja.

No se preocupen por no saber porque y voy a explicar. Hoy me siento especialmente sentimental... entonces voy a compartir unas fotos y memorias y una descripcion de lo que he estado haciendo el ano pasado.

Como mencione yo soy miembro de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias. Tambien nos llaman “Mormones”. Es probable que hayan escuchado de nosotros, no? Y probablemente han escuchado unas cosas raras. Pero les aseguro que no somos tan raros que estan pensando. Con frequencia nos confunden con los Testigos de Jehova o piensen que tenemos mas que una esposa. Si tienen preguntas, uds, por favor, mandeme un correo y hablaremos, no?

Bueno.. elegi servir una mision, o sea, elegi estar enviada a algun lado del mundo, segun la voluntad de Dios, para poder ensenar a todos acerca de Cristo, ofrecer servicio a la comunidad, y fortalecer a las congregaciones alla. Es el mejor trabajo que hay!! 

Durante la mision, nos levantamos a las 6:30 de la manana y nos acostamos a las 10:30... que dia! No fue siempre facil. Estuve asignada para trabajar en Boston Massachusetts, EUA, donde servi 5 meses en Revere, MA, unos meses en Lynn, MA, unos meses en Bridgeport, CT y unos meses en Cambridge, MA. Cada seis semanas habia la posibilidad de yo cambiar de lugar, pero me mude solamente 4 veces, por suerte. Asi podia yo conocer mejor a la gente y hacer amistades mas profundas.

Tocaba el piano con frequencia en la capilla, y trabajaba bastante con los ninos en sus clases (que se llama “la primaria”) y tambien daba unos discursos. En la iglesia SUD, los miembros son los que discursan en los servicios. Estan llamados unas semanas antes para que se preparen y dan sus discursos. Y asi aprendemos.

Yo servi mayormente con la poblacion hispana; aprendi a hablar espanol y tambien un poco de portugues. Que bendicion! Me gusto bastante. Incluso la cominda, jeje.

Tuve la oportunidad de ayudar a la gente por internet. Escribi y revise articulos para un blog que se llama “Real Life Answers” (tambien hay version en espanol:

Tuve un tiempo bastante divertido y sali contenta porque, al cumplir mi proposito a invitar a las personas a venir a Cristo, el Senor me lleno de su amor y pude ver las personas cambiar al permitir el Senor obrar en sus vidas. Increible fue.

Bueno... ahora que estoy en casa, me siento un poco extrano, pero sigo disfrutando de las bendiciones de la mision, en especial mi relacion con Dios.

Y ahora saben uds lo que estaba haciendo yo este ano y medio y porque no tenia mucho tiempo para pintar!! 

Si tienen preguntas, mandenme un mensajito, ok? Hare todo posible contestarles.

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