Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My latest experiment...

Because I have been assisting my sister with doing some crafting this season, I found myself on a trip to Hobby Lobby.

I usually try to avoid the place, because if I go in, I literally desire to purchase every item in sight. I can think of a good reason I need all of it... so, like I said... I try and avoid it. But this day, I went.

We were browsing model airplanes and black 12x12 paper and as we walked by the paint section, I felt the PULLLLLLLLL towards the paints, the brushes, the canvas and paper... and I was about to go crazy. I picked up a little sketchbook that ended up being only 1.99 or so, and kept that, feeling not REALLY too guilty because 1.99 isn't too bad.

But, then, I noticed it: a display of vibrant, opalescent non-representational paintings. They were beautiful. They (of course) were made with an advertised product and so I had to take a look at the products. I instantly noticed the imitation lead due to my past weird obsession with stained glass, and after a 10 minute in-head debate decided to buy it. For 7.00. Seven dollars a tube. A LITTLE tube. But, I did it anyway.

And then I went home and went crazy. Well, not too crazy. Just doodled a little. Draw a bit here... trace it with lead stuff... fill it in with calligraphy ink... you know. That stuff.

I do love the stuff, though. Apart from the fact that I used 3/4 of the tube on just two small pictures, I liked it a lot. I would tell you what it's called... but I forgot and am lazy and don't want to go downstairs and look. Not to mention I might get you addicted and you'll end up spending hundreds of dollars on imitation lead from a tube.

Enjoy the next couple of pictures, and in the mean time, I'll be searching for more cost efficient methods of making fake stained glass pictures...

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Porque he estado ayudando mucho a mi hermana hacer "crafts"... el otro dia me encontre en Hobby Lobby. 

La cosa es que usualmente trato de evitar ir de compras alli porque siempre encuentro algun excuso para comprar todo que veo :)

Bueno... estuvimos alla y compre un nuevo producto que imita al metal con que hacen vitral. Y queria probarlo.

Entonces lo compre (si.... yo se.... no deberia de hablerlo comprado, jaja) y intente unas cosas. Que disfrute las fotos. Voy a seguir experimentando!!

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