Friday, January 4, 2013


Well, the first painting of 2013 is officially up, and the new tab is there, too!!

And now, I will introduce *DRUMROLL PLEASE* the first painting of 2013:

"Mandala in Green, Purple, and Blue"

Background? One day I randomly felt like painting a mandala, and so I did. Pretty simple.
I'm probably going to do the same design but with different color patterns for the sake of exploring the effect of colors of a close proximity on each other and on the actual perception of the elements of the design. It should be fun, but a little bit of a pain in the... behind.

That's because mandalas (at least the way I learned how to make them) are created by taking either a sixth or an eighth of a circle (like a piece of pie) and creating a design on it. Then, you transfer this design to another paper by tracing one side, flipping the pattern, and tracing that side, then flipping it over again, all the way around the circle. Then, you shade it, paint it, whatever. All that tracing and flipping and painting seriously tests my patience ;)

The one I painted is extremely simplified compared to some mandalas out there: I'm pretty lazy. Maybe someday I'll get around to painting a really intricate one... but the problem is that I care much, much more about the color than I do about the form. Since I'm still learning I should really focus on form to get the concept down, but I'm not THAT self-disciplined.

Anyhow, I'd like to explore more with 'em. We'll see, I suppose...

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