Welcome to the blog :)
My purpose in starting it was to track my artistic and creative progress as I learn to express my view of the world. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful are all contained here on the blog. Feel free to browse!
I appreciate the simple. I appreciate nature. I love cooking, birding, painting, playing the piano, and reading. I cannot resist the smell of peaches on the tree, or the smell and sound of rain. I know no better joy than having a close relationship with my Father in Heaven (I'm a Mormon - check it out: reallifeanswers.org, mormon.org). I owe all I am and any talent I've got to Him.
In art, I love intense, rich, vibrant color; swirling, curving, organic shapes; the nature of the paint, and feeling the medium on the canvas or paper.
I love art; it has become my EXPRESSION of the world around me. My paintings especially are what you would see if you were to look at the world through the lens of "Nicole Laudie" - through the lens of my life experiences, my joys and fears, my passions, my sight and senses, my interpretation, my ability level in working with the medium, etc.
I have been watercolor painting for about 4 years. I spent 1 1/2 of those exploring other mediums at the university. I hope you enjoy following my artistic journey - it surely has been one!
I'd like to offer a special thanks to: God, for everything; my mother, Cynde; my teacher, Jeff Bushman; my friend, Jane Bush; family, friends, and customers. I can't do any of it without you!
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Que tal? Soy Nicole.
Bienvenidos al blog :)
Mi proposito en crear el blog fue ver mi progreso como artista al aprender expresar mi vista del mundo por medio del arte. TODO - las obras feas, bellas, buenas... todos se encuentran aqui. Sientete libre de explorarlas todas.
Yo, como persona, aprecio la sencillez. Aprecio la naturaleza. Aprecio la comida. Me encanta cocinar, identificar los pajaritos, pintar, tocar el piano y leer. No puedo resistir el olor de los duraznos en el arbol ni el olor de la lluvia. No conozco mayor gozo que tener una buena relacion con mi Padre Celestial (Soy Mormona; lee aqui de mis creencias y como ha ifluenciado mi vida conocer a Dios - preguntasdelalma.com, mormon.org). Todo que tengo es gracias a El!
En el arte, me gusta colores intensos, ricos y brillantes; formas que remolinan, que curvan, que son "organicos" - o de la naturaleza; la naturaleza y personalidad de los medios en el papel.
Me fascina el arte; ha llegado a ser mi EXPRESION del mundo alrededor. Mis obras especialmente son lo que se encontraria al ver el mundo por los lentes de la vida de "Nicole Laudie" - el mundo como es segun mis experiencias, mi gozos y miedos, mis pasiones, mi vista y mis sentimientos, mi interpretacion, my habilidad en trabajar con la pintura.
He estado pintando con aquareles casi 4 anos. Explore en la universidad otros medios por un ano y medio. Espero que te guste seguir a mi viaje artistica.