Today is a special day. It's the birthday of one awesome lady... Alicia. She fondly (I think?? haha) refers to me as puerca, and I always kindly yell puerca back at her.
She is a beautiful, strong woman, and bears her burdens well. She has a fantastic smile. And a sly side.
And, like I said, she is awesome.
She also loves butterflies. Dare I say it's almost an obsession?? Haha.
And since she loves butterflies, and since it's her birthday, and since I've painted a few butterflies of my own, this post is written just for her ;) I know she LOVES cheesy stuff, so she'll love this... haha.
¡¡Feliz cumple puerca!! Qué sigas creciendo y mejorando siempre, siempre el Señor te tiene algo hermoso esperando, aunque sea que a veces tenes que padecer la oscuridad e incomodidad de un capullo. ¡Te quiero! Eres una mariposa hermosa.