Thursday, November 27, 2014


I thought it would be interesting to look back at my paintings and really see if I've progressed at all.
After all, that IS the point of the blog... to see the progress.

Here were a few fun examples I found of improved skills. Hopefully in a couple of years I can write another post and we'll see even more progress :)

Anyway, here they are:

Pensaba esta mañana que sería divertido hacer un post acerca del progreso que he hecho. De hecho, es el propósito del blog ver el progreso. Entonces lo hice.

Aquí hay unos ejemplos:

And, I've got to say, in the spirit of the day of Thanksgiving (well, and the spirit of how I should always feel), that I feel so much gratitude in my heart and feel so blessed for all that God has given me. Without Him none of thise would have been possible.

I thank Thee, Father, for my mother, who made me feel confident enough to try and keep going.
I thank Thee for Mr. Jeff Bushman, who made it possible for me to explore so many new things in art and always complimented my work while constructively criticizing.
I thank Thee for Jane Bush, who took me under her artistic and friendly wing to help me develop my abilities.
I thank Thee for the talent Thou hast given me and for the opportunities it has provided me.
I thank Thee for my family and friends who encourage and support me, and especially for those family, friends, and strangers who have purchased my work and provided me a little extra income to be able to fulfill my dreams.
I thank Thee for the very blessed life Thou hast let me live, and for never wanting; for my ancestors, who so daringly and bravely came to find religious freedom, and for those who have fought to preserve freedom ever since.

And my prayer is that I can use what Thou hast given me to be able to help people who are in need emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

Have a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving!


Y ahora, en el espíritu del dia (bueno... y el espiritu con la que siempre debo de vivir), les digo que siento tanta gratitud en mi corazón y me siento TAN bendecida por todo que Dios me ha dado. Sin Él haberme ayudado, no habria podido hacer lo que hago hoy en día.

Te agradezco, Padre, por mi mamá, que ella me hizo sentir tanta confianza que seguí pintando.
Te agradezco por el Señor Bushman, que él me ayudó explorar diferentes tipos de arte y medias.
Te agradezco por Jane Bush, quien me ayudó desarrollar mis habilidades y por su bondad para conmigo.
Te agradezco por el talento que me has concedido y por las oportunidades que me ha proveído.
Te doy gracias por mi familia, mis amigos, y todos que me han apoyado y especialmente por los que no conozco y los que sí, conozco, que han comprado mis obras y me han proveído con las finanzas de poder lograr mis sueños.
Te doy gracias por la vida tan bendecida que he vivido, y por nunca haber tenido hambre ni sed ni me he faltado un techo. Te agradezco por mis antepasados que vinieron para encontrar libertad religiosa, y por los que han luchado para mantener la libertad desde entonces.

Y mi ruego es que puedo utilizar todo que me has dado para poder ayudar a los que están necesitando en maneras físicas, espirituales y emocionales.

¡Que tengan un Día de acción de gracias muy significante y maravilloso!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Star is becoming a Christmas postcard!!

Today I have some wonderful news for you all today!

Several weeks ago, I was innocently checking my email when I opened an email from the United Methodist Higher Education Fund.  

And who couldn't believe her eyes when she read that email?? Me!!

The UMHEF wished to purchase a digital copy of ''The Star'' to use on their annual Christmas postcard. And it has been officially purchased :)

This is quite the honor for me, and I have to publicly thank my Heavenly Father for the wonderful talents and opportunities that He has seen fit to bless me with. 

This opportunity is both a prayer answered and such a blessing. 

May God bless those of all faiths this season in the rememberance of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to whom we owe all.

Hoy tengo unas noticias bien buenas :)

Hace unas semanas, estaba chequeando el correo y abri uno del United Methodist Higher Education Fund. 

Y quien era que no pudo creer lo que leyó?? Esta muchacha!! Yo!!

Ellos me pidieron comprar una copia de mi obra ''La estrella'' para imprimir en sus postales navideños este año. Y ya la transacción esta hecha.

Este es un honor grande para mi, y tengo que tomar un momento para agradecer en publico mi Padre Celestial por haberme dado los talentos y bendiciones que tengo.

Esta oportunidad es una bendición y una respuesta a mis oraciones.

Que Dios les bendiga a todos de cualquier religión en esta temporada del ano en que recordamos todos el nacimiento del Señor y Salvador, Jesucristo.

Monday, November 17, 2014

A bit MORE of the randomness!

So, just a few more things that happened this week... many... different things came out in my painting. I'm not quite sure why I felt to paint any of them, but here they are in their blazing (and a bit strange) glory:

This is a bookmark I made. The background is an interpretation of ñanduti lace which come from Paraguay. The words are in Guarani (or Avañe'e) and are part of a poem by M. E. Aquino that reads: ''I hope that you taste the sun's flames, that you drink the moon's smile, and that you gather the love of God.''

Este es una marcapaginas que hice. En el fondo es mi interpretacion del cordon ''ñanduti'' de Paraguay. Las palabras son de una poesia Guarani por M. E. Aquino. Se lee asi: ''Ojala que lama las llamas del sol. Que beba la sonrisa de la luna. Que recogas el amor de Dios.''

Just some swirling shapes and colors...

Unas formas y unos colores...

This is for you to interpret... haha!

Esta esta abierta para ti interpretar, jaja... 

And, I finished this one, perhaps... I may work a bit more on it... but for now, it's done. It features a Paraguayan bottle dancer and ñanduti again, in the background:
Ya termine con esta... pero quizas trabajo en ella un poco mas. Voy a ver. Es de una bailarina paraguaya con ñanduti en el fondo:

And, that's all I've got for now!!

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Suddenly this week I felt the most random spurts of creativity... about midnight the past three nights... and I had to paint something, haha.

Here's what I came up with. None of them are finished, but I at least got them out of my system. Feeling pretty happy about 'em :)

De repente esta semana tuve un anhelo tan fuerte para pintar... entonces me sente y pinte... por algun razon lo senti como a medianoche en adelante... entonces no he durmido como debo de haber dormido... pero bueno... no importa... jaja. Que disfruten lo que esta en proceso (no he acabado con ninguna de las obras):