Well now... school is FINALLY over.
Well, almost. I have one more final - ceramics - tomorrow, and then I'll be finished with school for the next two years.
Which means my social life will SPLAT on the ground, but the good part is that my ART will SOAR, lol. Hopefully this break means a lot of painting, and painting, and painting, and painting. All that I can fit in before my mission for the LDS church.
So, watch carefully these next few months for updates, and for a new 2013 tab as I get some stuff done.
Friends, I can't wait - this is going to be awesome.
Also, enjoy:
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Strokes of Inspiration
Sometimes, a random stroke of inspiration hits.
For, me, those inspirations are so rare that no matter the strangeness or oddness of them, I have to paint them.
This is probably one of those times. It happened yesterday, and since then I have developed these highly symbolic self-portraits. And, no, I'm not emo or goth, I don't cut, and I'm not depressed. Just if you were wondering ;)
They are just a different style than I normally do, but describe a certain mood and worry about certain things that I don't feel a need to explain. They are my first self-portraits, and thought they were a great outlet and allowed some good reflection time.
I found them very interesting and fulfilling to complete, although they did not turn out exactly as pictured. That's okay, though. That's the beauty of watercolor. It does its thing.
Enjoy something different :)
For, me, those inspirations are so rare that no matter the strangeness or oddness of them, I have to paint them.
This is probably one of those times. It happened yesterday, and since then I have developed these highly symbolic self-portraits. And, no, I'm not emo or goth, I don't cut, and I'm not depressed. Just if you were wondering ;)
They are just a different style than I normally do, but describe a certain mood and worry about certain things that I don't feel a need to explain. They are my first self-portraits, and thought they were a great outlet and allowed some good reflection time.
I found them very interesting and fulfilling to complete, although they did not turn out exactly as pictured. That's okay, though. That's the beauty of watercolor. It does its thing.
Enjoy something different :)
"A Dios le pido" |
"Por los hijos de mis hijos y los hijos de tus hijos" |
Saturday, October 13, 2012
A Happy and Sad Announcement
Well, friends, I have both a HAPPY and a SAD announcement.
First, the sad:
I will no longer be going to Mexico to teach English in 2013...
Now, the happy:
While going to Mexico was one of my dreams, and improving my Spanish was a goal, I am pleased to announce that I've chosen a better route: I will be serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am extremely excited for this chance to serve the Lord for 18 months. This came suddenly - I never expected to serve a mission. But after praying, I feel that my Heavenly Father desires that I should go. So, while I will be missing the "good" opportunity to go to Mexico, and the "better" opportunity to work and go to school, I will not be missing out on the "BEST" opportunity: to serve a mission for God and do His will.
I appreciate your understanding and love, and am very happy to announce this fabulous news!
First, the sad:
I will no longer be going to Mexico to teach English in 2013...
Now, the happy:
While going to Mexico was one of my dreams, and improving my Spanish was a goal, I am pleased to announce that I've chosen a better route: I will be serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am extremely excited for this chance to serve the Lord for 18 months. This came suddenly - I never expected to serve a mission. But after praying, I feel that my Heavenly Father desires that I should go. So, while I will be missing the "good" opportunity to go to Mexico, and the "better" opportunity to work and go to school, I will not be missing out on the "BEST" opportunity: to serve a mission for God and do His will.
I appreciate your understanding and love, and am very happy to announce this fabulous news!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Coming Soon:
In the next month or so, I will FINALLY have some stuff to put up (it's taking forever, right??)
I'll have about 4 new oil paintings in the "Oil Adventures" section, and possibly some bowls from my ceramics class... :)
Also, I am thinking about printing and selling glicee prints in the Etsy shop... but I'm still working on that. Hopefully I can get that up and running between my busy-ness, haha.
Thanks for your patience!
Monday, September 3, 2012
School's in Again...
Well, school is in again.
Which means I am more actively practicing my skills :)
This semester, I'll be again working on oil painting (I'll put them up on my oil adventures page), working on ceramics and pottery for the first time, and learning Medieval Art History. Along with some espanol and a little drafting.
It's random, I know... but I consider it enough to keep me busy and not bored!!
And, I will be working...
So, it is going to be an interesting semester, but I am PUMPED to come up with new things to put here on the blog, and to expand my knowledge of art and methods.
Watch for new things to come up.
Also, just a note on commissions: I am still taking them during the school year, however, they may take longer than usual to complete (15 credits, part-time job, and an etsy shop = less time for commissions, haha).
But thank you all for the support you've given thus far, and continue to give!! I couldn't do it without you!!!
Which means I am more actively practicing my skills :)
This semester, I'll be again working on oil painting (I'll put them up on my oil adventures page), working on ceramics and pottery for the first time, and learning Medieval Art History. Along with some espanol and a little drafting.
It's random, I know... but I consider it enough to keep me busy and not bored!!
And, I will be working...
So, it is going to be an interesting semester, but I am PUMPED to come up with new things to put here on the blog, and to expand my knowledge of art and methods.
Watch for new things to come up.
Also, just a note on commissions: I am still taking them during the school year, however, they may take longer than usual to complete (15 credits, part-time job, and an etsy shop = less time for commissions, haha).
But thank you all for the support you've given thus far, and continue to give!! I couldn't do it without you!!!
Friday, August 24, 2012
For unto everyone that hath shall be given...
It's not often that I paint something for myself. Something that requires more effort often requires a commission or a school assignment. Otherwise, I find myself resorting to lackadaisical abstract works and color experiments, because I rarely, unless compelled, find myself in the mood for something both labor and time intensive.
But, this past week, my grandmother passed away. It was her time to go, but honestly, it's been pretty rough. Unfortunately, I was sad for myself. I wasn't sad for her - it was a sweet relief on her part, but I'm sad that we all lost a hero, friend, and grandmother that was an example of , faith, hope, charity, and enduring to the end, and typified Jesus Christ in every way.
I found myself, the night before the viewing, wanting to paint her portrait. The only problem was, I am definitely NOT a portrait painter. I cannot paint people. I have tried countless times, and resorted to abstract persons (take a look at the "People" page). But, this was special to me, and I wanted it done, so after some sketching, and sketching and critiquing from roommates, I went alone and prayed.
I told God that unfortunately, although I knew he had given me this talent, I had never asked His help on a painting. But I knew that my gift was from Him, and that if He ever helped me, I wanted it to be this painting. God knows all, and can do all things, and if He can do all things, He was able to help me with this portrait.
Not surprisingly, this is the one and only portrait that has ever turned out.
I took it to the viewing, and received many compliments on how well it captured my grandmother.
But, I want you all to know that the glory goes to God. He is the one who helped me know what to do; it worked because He blessed it to. He gave me the talent, and I try to not bury it. I thank my Heavenly Father for His tender mercies. This portrait was, especially to me, a miracle. Please enjoy sharing this special miracle with me:
But, this past week, my grandmother passed away. It was her time to go, but honestly, it's been pretty rough. Unfortunately, I was sad for myself. I wasn't sad for her - it was a sweet relief on her part, but I'm sad that we all lost a hero, friend, and grandmother that was an example of , faith, hope, charity, and enduring to the end, and typified Jesus Christ in every way.
I found myself, the night before the viewing, wanting to paint her portrait. The only problem was, I am definitely NOT a portrait painter. I cannot paint people. I have tried countless times, and resorted to abstract persons (take a look at the "People" page). But, this was special to me, and I wanted it done, so after some sketching, and sketching and critiquing from roommates, I went alone and prayed.
I told God that unfortunately, although I knew he had given me this talent, I had never asked His help on a painting. But I knew that my gift was from Him, and that if He ever helped me, I wanted it to be this painting. God knows all, and can do all things, and if He can do all things, He was able to help me with this portrait.
Not surprisingly, this is the one and only portrait that has ever turned out.
I took it to the viewing, and received many compliments on how well it captured my grandmother.
But, I want you all to know that the glory goes to God. He is the one who helped me know what to do; it worked because He blessed it to. He gave me the talent, and I try to not bury it. I thank my Heavenly Father for His tender mercies. This portrait was, especially to me, a miracle. Please enjoy sharing this special miracle with me:
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Commission: Possible II
Well, a second commission has been completed...
Lilacs :)
The painting is a work a friend who is expecting a baby. She said she plans on hanging it in the baby girls room. Sweet, huh?
Lilacs hold a special place in my heart. They grew in my grandmas backyard, and we used to go out and smell them when they bloomed. They bring back a lot of good memories.
Please enjoy!
Lilacs :)
The painting is a work a friend who is expecting a baby. She said she plans on hanging it in the baby girls room. Sweet, huh?
Lilacs hold a special place in my heart. They grew in my grandmas backyard, and we used to go out and smell them when they bloomed. They bring back a lot of good memories.
Please enjoy!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Well, I finally got the last pieces on a commission approved this week :) Hooray!!
It's about time, too. I took WAY long on this one. I have another commission lined up
and finished a piece, but I don't like it. I'll have to give her a preview and see what
she thinks... Anywho... here they are, all 5 of them:

It's about time, too. I took WAY long on this one. I have another commission lined up
and finished a piece, but I don't like it. I'll have to give her a preview and see what
she thinks... Anywho... here they are, all 5 of them:
Thursday, March 15, 2012
So, I have some VERY exciting news!! I'm almost bursting, so I will just explain it all right here:
I am going with International Language Programs (ILP) to Mexico
for four months during the summer of 2013!!!
Why am I going to Mexico?
1. To teach English with International Language
Programs (ILP), a 501 (C)(3) Charitable Organization dedicated to opening doors
for children of the world through the teaching of English. I will be preparing
lesson plans and teaching in local schools, and living with a host family.
2. To serve. I feel that I feel that I can really make a
difference in the lives of these Mexican kids. English is the “Universal Language” of
business, politics, technology and science.
3. To appreciate. I want to be able to learn
about, be immersed in, and appreciate a new culture, a new language, and new
4. To improve both my life, and the lives of the
kids. I believe that opportunity will allow me to grow tremendously: both
emotionally and spiritually, and will permit me to improve the quality of the
lives of the children I will serve.
5. Because God wants me to. I have prayed and
fasted a great deal about this, and feel that this is the right thing to do at
this point in my life. I want to be obedient, and to learn the lessons that God
would have me learn in México.
Wait, what does this have to do with art??
Well, whatever I sell on the Etsy shop, or gain from having works commissioned, will go toward the "Mexico Fund". This fund will help me cover the $2,520 participation fee (because many of the children who participate in the program come from lower-middle class families, ILP teachers must pay their own expenses), passport and travel costs, school supplies, etc.
I am also taking donations.
If this is a cause that you would be interested in donating to, please contact me via email: nikl.lodi@gmail.com or by phone (801) 336-0466, or check out our Etsy shop.
ANY amount is needed, wanted, and VERY much appreciated!
Let me be your hands in giving the kids in Tehuacan, Mexico the tremendous opportunity to learn English.
Monday, March 12, 2012
UVU Student Art Show
Remember my painting "Seattle III"??
Well, it was just selected to be in the
UVU Student Art Show
at Woodbury Art Museum
March 27-April 28, 2012!!
The 2012 Juror was Shawn Rossiter,
Artist, and Editor of 15 Bytes Magazine.
Thanks for all of your support. I really couldn't do any of this without you!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
We just made another sale a couple of days ago:
And it shipped yesterday. Hopefully she likes it!
(Well, obviously, if she didn't like it, she wouldn't buy it, haha)
If you are interested in purchasing a work, check out our Etsy page.
If you need something that better fits your budget or you want to commission a work, contact me via email: nikl.lodi@gmail.com
and let me know what it is that you want: price range, size, subject, etc.
I'm VERY flexible with pricing, and I will do my best to create a work you are satisfied with.
If you don't like it, you don't have to keep it: I will work with you until you get what you are looking for.
(Well, obviously, if she didn't like it, she wouldn't buy it, haha)
If you are interested in purchasing a work, check out our Etsy page.
If you need something that better fits your budget or you want to commission a work, contact me via email: nikl.lodi@gmail.com
and let me know what it is that you want: price range, size, subject, etc.
I'm VERY flexible with pricing, and I will do my best to create a work you are satisfied with.
If you don't like it, you don't have to keep it: I will work with you until you get what you are looking for.
Monday, February 13, 2012
So... pretty soon I'll put up a page for my oil paintings.
I'm in an oil painting class right now, and while I don't feel like a magnificent oil painter, I can still see progress from when I first started.
So I'm thinking I'll post the progression from the first day of class until the end of the semester.
Just a heads up :)
Love you all!
I'm in an oil painting class right now, and while I don't feel like a magnificent oil painter, I can still see progress from when I first started.
So I'm thinking I'll post the progression from the first day of class until the end of the semester.
Just a heads up :)
Love you all!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
I just barely sold my first painting online, from the etsy shop...
I'm "official" now, lol.
Thanks so much for all of your support. I love you all!
I'm "official" now, lol.
Thanks so much for all of your support. I love you all!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Just a little update...
I haven't done anything for a long while now... probably because with school starting, Christmas, the New Year, etc. I haven't had much time.
Hopefully I get some stuff up soon. Depends if I find the time :)
I'm currently in an oil painting class, which I'm enjoying quite a bit. It's a little different than I thought (in a good way) and I'm making some progress. As soon as I actually have something other than monochrome spheres and cylinders painted, I'll post what I'm doing. Until then... I can't hope for much.
I am also in a 3D design class, and so I'll take a picture of a few of the sculptures that I will do and post those, too.
Other than that, life is normal, my health is better than normal, school is funner than normal, and it's nice for everything to be back to normal, lol.
Hopefully we'll see you all soon with some new work!!
Friday, January 6, 2012
More Up on Etsy!
Woohoo! There are a few more paintings up on etsy... there are several more coming!!
Expressions Art Studio on Etsy.com
Expressions Art Studio on Etsy.com
Monday, January 2, 2012
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