Monday, November 28, 2011

Institute Art Contest...

So... the Institute is having a conference one-liner art contest...
I entered today. I know it's a bit of a stretch, and that my one-liner is a little long, but here's my submission:

"The gospel is a light that penetrates mortality and illuminates the way before us."
 - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Late Thanksgiving, Everyone!!

 I hope that everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving. This year mine was perfect - all of the food worked. Well, most of it worked. My from-scratch pumpkin pie had a tough crust, but, hey, it still tasted good. :)


   The normal contention dissolved, and the Grandma's both came over to share in our bounty (which, by the way, included 3 pumpkin, 1 cherry, 1 lemon meringue, and 1 chocolate caramel pecan pie. Pie is my favorite part, obviously).

     After a short bout of hilarious and slightly embarrassing family videos and a little Victor Borge, we kissed the Grandma's goodbye. Later, we all watched a black-and-white together.

What a day! Low-stress and perfect. I didn't get any painting done, but I do have a few from last week that I'll post soon. And now, I'm itching to make some turkey tortellini, but I'm pretty sure that that is not happening today. We'll see.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I am so grateful for all that God has given me. He has given me everything. The more I look around me and count my blessings, the more I appreciate what He has done for me. Everything really does testify of Him. Our trials, the beauty of the earth, the blessings we receive - EVERYTHING points back to a merciful God who loves us.
This year, I've had some hard times, some trials. But I have learned and matured so much from them that I barely even recognize myself.
This year, He has also given me great people that influence my actions every day. He has given me friends that listen, friends that share, friends that care about me and can joke around and have fun. He's blessed me with parents that teach me, and help me to be better. He has given us the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, so that we will never be lost in this world. He has shown us the way. He gave us the life of His Only Begotten Son. I am forever grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

I can't even comprehend all that He's done. But I am eternally grateful for my life and the chances I have everyday to talk to God and to receive inspiration and strength.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Art and Basket Auction

Thanks to Reagan Academy of Springville for having me tonight!

The annual Art and Basket Auction was a blast with fun baskets, raffles, Costco ice cream, and art galore! My auctioned painting (Tetons) [look for it on the watercolor page] went for about $40, which is amazing! Also, there was a lot of interest in my work.

Thanks, as well, for the support of Amelia Olson and Mrs. Olson, Aunt Betty and Uncle Kim Laudie, and Sha Laudie, the one who got me into the whole thing :)

Hopefully I can come again next year?? (That was a self-invitation) It was awesome. And, for all of you who bidded, and the wonderful lady who bought my painting: way to support a great cause - Utah's charter schools.